Bullying / Sexual Harassment

Target Audience

Supervisors, Coaches, Managers, Senior Leadership Team, Executive Leadership Team


All Australian workplaces are bound by Federal Legislation (and respective state legislation) with respect to Sex Discrimination. Employers have obligations under the Fair Work Act 2009 (Cth), Work, Health and safety laws, SafeWork Australia national guidelines, state anti-discrimination legislation, Industry Codes of Practice, obligations at common law with respect to the law of Negligence and Breach of Statutory Duty. Work, Health and Safety laws places a positive obligation on employers to prevent sexual harassment. Federal Sex Discrimination law amendments includes a new sex-based harassment provision and relevant ancillary provision changes.  Conduct that amounts to sexual harassment may also be sex-based harassment. Both are forms of sex discrimination. At law, workplaces can be held vicariously liable for their workers actions and have a clear duty of care.

Best Practice Training

Developing a Respect At Work benchmark (Sexual Harassment and bullying), consistent with the Australian Human Rights Commission sexual harassment prevention framework around leadership, culture and knowledge, requires targeted training for leaders to instil culture change through understanding their legal obligations and recognising behaviours to help prevent bullying and sexual harassment. The training is an important part in legislative compliance with the Federal Sex Discrimination amendments (Sexual harassment, Sex based harassment and bullying) and Work Health and Safety laws for workplaces and common law obligations that informs Best Practice processes.
Leaders need to ensure a safe workplace and system of work for all classes of workers; including persons conducting business activities including, contractors, interns, apprentices and volunteers.

Learning Objectives

The objectives of this course are:

  • Learners will be able to understand the Respect At Work context, the unlawful conduct caught by the legislative amendments and the ‘why’ in preventing harm from bullying and sexual harassment
  • Learners will recognise the ways in which personal leadership promotes a positive culture
  • Learners will be able to reinforce their understanding around workplace bullying through revision of the relevant Fair Work Act 2009 (Cth) provisions and scenarios
  • Learners will be able to reinforce their understanding around sexual harassment through revision of the relevant Sex Discrimination Act 1984(Cth) amendments and scenarios
  • Learners will be able to identify the impact the amending Act has on the Fair Work Act and the inter-relationship with respect to bullying and sexual harassment (conduct can be both)
  • Learners will be able to understand their legal obligations in the prevention and response to unlawful conduct at work
  • Introduction to intervention and response strategies

90 mins Online or 3hr Facilitator-led Workshop 

(Best Practice is face to face training to facilitate deeper discussion to enhance retention and learning outcomes) 


Digital Badge

Certificate of Completion 